Colin Finlay Nicolson, 20 Church Street

16 April 1943
His many friends were profoundly grieved to hear that Sergt Observer Colin Finlay Nicholson, RAFVR, son of the late Finlay Nicholson, Upper Bayble and Canada, and of Mrs Murdo Murray, 8 Viewfield Avenue, Beauly, had lost his life during air operations in March. Colin, who was 28, came from Canada when only 1½ years old, with his widowed mother and sisters. He will be remembered in Stornoway where he spent his earlier schooldays, before finishing in Beauly and Inverness Academy. He grew up into a young man of sterling character, highly respected by all who knew him, both in his private and business life. In the latter capacity, he showed great promise, having more than ordinary inteligence and ability, but his career was interrupted when he enlisted in his country's cause. Taking his observer's course in America, he proceeded to India shortly after returning to this country. In the family circle, Colin was a pillar of strength to old and young alike, and his influence will not be forgotten. His was a self-sacrificing life, always thinking first of the needs of others. Our sympathy goes out in great measure to his sorrowing mother, and to his stepfather, three sisters, and two younger brothers, to whom he has left an example which they will be proud to follow.

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