4 May 1945
Tribute to a loved comrade
It was a great shock and sorrow to his many friends when the news came that Sergt. Navigator, Donald Morrison, a native of 13 Reef, Uig, had passed to the greater life from the field of battle. He was killed in action in operations over Germany. I, like many others who knew Donald well, will not forget our loving and loyal comrade. He was, at all times, the first to help a chum in distress, and his happy spirit and gentle manner soon put a brighter aspect on the darkest situation. He made many friends. In Stornoway, when he was at the Nicolson Institute, and later, when he worked with Messrs James Macdonald, Ltd. A keen footballer, he gave good service to the school and later to the Athletic. He leaves a young widow (nee Murdina Mackay, Uig) and an infant son to mourn him. to them we extend our heartfelt condolences. Two of his brothers are in the forces - one in the army, the other in the navy. A third is a policeman in London.
27 July 1945
Sergt-Navigator Donald Morrison, 13 Reef, Uig, who was killed in action over Germany in the closing stages of the European war, was an exceptionally popular young man, and had many friends both in Uig and Stornoway.
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