Donald Graham, 9 Lower Shader

3 November 1944
It was with profound sorrow that we in London learned of the death of Pte Donald Graham, 9 Lower Shader, familiarly known as Domhmull Deed, at the early age of 23. Donald, who was serving in the Cameron Highlanders, was prior to the outbreak of war, attached to the Militia. He was called to arms in the early part of the war, and was for a time in the Bahamas. On coming home he was sent to the Shetland Isles. After a very brief stay there, he was sent with the 8th Army to Italy, where he met his death. His Commanding Officer states that after a battle in which casualties had been heavy, volunteers were asked to bring in the wounded. Donald and a comrade gallantly responded to this call, and both of them were killed. It was typical of Donald to help others without fuss. He was of a very quiet disposition and his voice was never heard above the others, but his judgment was always manly and admirable. His death is a sore loss for his poor mother and two brothers - Donald John, who is at home, and Angus who is serving in one of HM ships at sea. It was only in January that their father, Donald Graham, senior, passed away. To his mother, brothers and relatives, we extend our deepest sympathy, and especially to his three aunts in Stornoway, who looked on him as their own and who were always anxious about his welfare. Surely it can be said of him: "Into the mosaic of Victory, was placed this precious piece".


5 January 1945
Pte Donald Graham, 9 Lower Shader, Barvas, whose death in action in Italy was reported in our columns some weeks ago. Earlier in the year he was wounded in action.

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